photo of a Nisitrus vittatus male


photo of a Nisitrus vittatus male
Image: Dr. Hans Pohl

August 2024

Roxana Taszus defended her dissertation on form and function in hearing with great success.

Defending your dissertation

Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

July 2024

ISN - Congress for Neuroethology in Berlin

Iulia Barutia, Marcelo Christian, Henja Wehmann and Manuela Nowotny participated the Neuroethology meeting in Berlin. We had a great time with our poster and own symposium (together with Hannah ter Hofstete, Natasha Matre and Johannes Strauß).


Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

June 2024

MOH – Mechanics of Hearing Ann Arbor, Michigan

I had a great time at the MOH Meeting and I enjoined the scientific exchange.

participants of the Mechanics of Hearing at the banquet

Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

May 2024

Portrait von Dr. Henja Wehmann

Image: Dr. Henja-Niniane Wehmann

Welcome Dr. Henja-Niniane Wehmann

We welcome our new Postdoc Dr. Henja-Niniane Wehmann. She is an expert in insect wings and flight activity. Now in our lab, she started to work with Optical Coherence Tomographic system and the hearing in locusts.

April 2024

We had a great time in Jena to discuss with our collaboration partners form the NeuroSensEarExternal link project our ideas.

Treffen NeuroSensEar

Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

March 2024

New Job Offer! – How ants sense vibrations

In collaboration with the MPI for Chemical Ecology, we offer a PhD position. Click on the Link for more information: link

New Paper!

In collaboration with Anna Vavakou and Marcel vd Hejiden, we published frequency-deepened elliptical motion of the sensory cells in a bushcricket ear.

Link: link

Anna Paper Ellipsen Graphic

Image: Anna Vavakou

February 2024

Iulia Barutia best talk on the DZG in Darmstadt

Image: Iulia Barutia

Congratulation for the best talk to Iulia on the DZG morphology meeting in Darmstadt.

January 2024

Our new study on neuronal processing in the prothoracic ganglion in bushcrickets is online in JEB (link: link)! With a new method of a multielectrodes array, we monitor the signals in the ganglion.

Video: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

November 2023

Picture PhD student Iulia Barutia

Image: Prof Dr Manuela Nowotny

Welcome Iulia Barutia

We welcome our new PhD student Iulia Barutia. She is a member in the IMPRS of the MPI of Chemical Ecology in Jena. We already had a great time on OCT measurements with Marcel, Ben and Teb.


Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

Zum 1. März 2024 suchen wir eine(n) Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Sinnesbiologie

Wir sind ein sinnesbiologisches Labor, das auf dem Gebiet der Hörforschung arbeitet. Themen unseres interdisziplinären Teams umfassen die Gebiete Elektrophysiologie, Mechanik, Verhalten und Morphologie. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf neuroethologischen Fragestellungen.

Bewerbungen sind möglich über diesen link ( link)"

June 2023


Image: Dr Stefan Schoeneich

Great news!!

Our #NeuroSensEarExternal link project will be supported by the Carl-Zeiss Foundation. Developing improved hearing aids by new sensors and auditory processing inspired by neuronal coding of insect networks @UniJenaExternal link @TU_IlmenauExternal link @soundLabJenaExternal link 

Group of students at a fieldwork practical day.

Image: Dr. Stefan Schöneich

Fieldwork Practical treaning with students about acoustic diversity

@soundlabJenaExternal link going outdoors: We had a very fun day, investigating the acoustic diversity around Jena together with undergrads. We even managed to find some singing field crickets.

May 2023

Animalphysiology is now on Twitter

@Soundlabjena External link

We have our own twitter-accountExternal link. So please follow us for more Information about our work, lab and colleagues.

March 2023

NWG - 15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Scociety

Manuela Nowotny, Annette Stange-Marten, Marcello Christian and Michelle Kraft participated the 15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Scociety from March 22-24, 2023.

  • Annette, Marcelo, Stefan and Michelle hearing a talk
    Annette, Marcelo, Stefan and Michelle hearing a talk
    Image: Dr. Manuela Nowotny
  • Having fun in a pub in Göttingen during the 15th Göttingen meeting of  the German Neuroscience Society.
    Having fun in a pub in Göttingen during the 15th Göttingen meeting of the German Neuroscience Society.
    Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting in Lincoln, UK

After six years of absence the Invertebrate sound and vibration meeting took place in beautiful Lincoln, UK. Manuela and Marcelo attended this inspiring conference presenting their work. Probably the best place to be this weekend if you`re into invertebrates producing and perceiving sound.

  • Group Photo of all participants of the ISV-Meeting 2023 in Lincoln, UK.
    Image: Fernando Montealegre-Z
  • M Chrostian on his talk at the ISV Meeting 2023
    Image: Dr. Manuela Nowotny
  • Kathedral
    Image: Dr. Manuela Nowotny

New Job Offer!

In collaboration with the MPI for Chemical Ecology, we offer a PhD position. Click on the Link for more information: link

Picture of Travers M Sansom in our lab.

Image: Travers M Sansom

13th of March

Today we welcomed a new guest student from Australia - Travers M Sansom. He is doing some research with Dr. Toni Wöhrl in our lab and will staying with us for three months

February 2023

Travers Sansom arrived in the lab. Her is a PhD student from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Technology Sydney. Together with Toni Wöhrl he will investigate ants in motion.

46th ARO MidWinter Meeting

Annette, Roxana and Manuela joint the 46th ARO MidWinter MeetingExternal link in Orlando Florida. We were excited to present our latest’s results in vertebrate and invertebrate hearing and to enjoy the warm sun.

  • R Taszus in fornt of her Poster.
    Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny
    Postersession at 46th ARO MidWinter Meeting

    Roxana Taszus in front of her Poster at the 46th ARO MidWinter Meeting in Orlando, Florida

Pagination Page 1 of 3
Page 1 of 3

November 2022

Vincenz Regeler joins the lab for his final thesis. He will investigate the movement pattern and biomechanics of insect legs. We were excited to present our latest’s results in vertebrate and invertebrate hearing and to enjoy the warm sun.

October 2022

Our Group at the 3rd African Bioacoustics Conference, Skukuza, South Africa, Kruger National Park.

Image: Steven Abendroth

3rd African Bioacoustics Community Conference

Dr. Stefan Schöneich, Marcelo Christian, Roxana Taszus, and Steven Abendroth attended the 3rd African Bioacoustics Community Conference, in Skukuza, South Africa, Kruger National Park. Marcello presenting a poster titled "Does size matter? - A study on correlations between calling song and body size parameters within and across cricket populations". Roxana Taszus presented a poster titled "The Shape of Water - adaptations of cochlear morphology in seals and otters to a semi-aquatic life". And Stefan Schöneich gave a talk about "Neural basis of the evolution of a novel communication system in a group of eneopterine crickets". It was a beautiful place for the 3rd African Bioacoustics Community Conference with a lot of interesting talks, posters and many sympathic participants. 

August 2022

Natural history museum in Paris

Image: Christian, Marcelo

Visit at the natural history museum in Paris

Dr. Stefan Schöneich and Marcelo Christian had the chance to visit Dr. Tony Robillard´s lab and the gallery of evolution in Paris. We had a great time, many thanks to Tony and his colleagues for their hospitality.

Christian, Marcelo in front of his Poster

Image: Christian, Marcelo

Finally, first in-person conference after 3 years

After being postponed by 2 years, the 14th International Congress of Neuroethology (ICN) took place at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Stefan Schöneich and Marcelo Christian attended the ICN 2022, presenting a poster titled "Does size matter? - A study on correlations between calling song and body size parameters within and across cricket populations". It was an inspiring and joyful event, and one could sense the need for socializing in the scientific community after all this time.

July 2022

Participants of the Mechanics of Hearing in Danmark

Image: Dr. Manuela Nowotny

Mechanics of Hearing Conference in Denmark

It was great to be of the Mechanics of Hearing Conference in Denmark. Home - Mechanics of Hearing Workshop 2020 ( link

Defense of Anna Vavakou

It was great to be at the defense of Anna Vavakou dissertation in Rotterdam. She made it with the highest degree of her university. Fantastic collaboration and an amazing work.

Doctoral defense of Anna Vavakou

Image: Dr. Manuela Nowotny

Dr. Toni Woehrl sitting in front of the Hanfried statue.

Image: Roxana Taszus

Dr. Toni Woehrl graduated with his doctoral thesis on the 19th of July.

Toni Wöhrl defended his dissertation on Tuesday the 19th of July with amazing success. 

Dr. Toni Woehrl throws a wreath over the Hanfried statue

Image: Steven Abendroth

His work on insect locomotion, specifically the geometry of ant gaits, brought new insights into kinemtaics to the table. The newly developed high-speed camera technology allowed for observations in 3D, where previous studies were limited to 2D analyses.

  • Photo of the Animalphysiology-Group
    Image: Toni Woehrl
  • Toni Woehrl with Doctoral hat after his defense.
    Image: Sang Cai
  • The doctoral hat and behind the landscape around Jena
    Image: Dr. Florian Bähr
  • Toni Woehrl defending his doctoral thesis.
    Image: Sang Cai
  • Toni Woehrl in front of his research setup before he defends his doctoral thesis.
    Image: Sang Cai

June 2022

Back to the field work with students in 2022.

Image: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny

Back to field work.


May 2022

Paul Wilknitz, Michelle Kraft, Theresa Erber, Charlotte Mudter

Image: Steven Abendroth

New Bachelorstudents

"We welcome four new bachelor students in our lab, Paul Wilknitz, Michelle Kraft, Theresa Erber, Charlotte Mudter . We are happy that these students support us in our research on insect communication."

March 2022

New Job Offer!

In collaboration with the MPI for Chemical Ecology, we offer a PhD position: link

Tweet by Tony Robillard

Image: Dr. Stefan Schöneich

Eneopterology Workshop

Together with Tony Robillard and Hannah ter Hofstede we organized our first International Worshop on Eneopterology. Two fantastic days with passionate exchange of ideas inspiring new reseach projects. Already looking forward to our next eneopterology meeting in autumn - hopefully then at least partly in-person in a hybrid format.

December 2021

Marcelo Christian

Image: Lili Cadavid


Marcelo Christian

We welcome Marcelo Christian as a new member of our group. As a doctoral student he will work together with Dr. Schöneich on the DFG- sponsored research project: "Intraspecific communication for mate finding in insects: Neural modifications underlying its evolution in eneopterine crickets and its susceptibility to neonicotinoid insecticides"

September 2021

Valeria Fattoruso

Image: Valeria Fattoruso

2nd september, 2021

Today we welcomed a new guest student from Italy - Valeria Fattoruso. She is doing her PhD in the lab of Sebastian OberstExternal link (Sydney) and will staying with us for three months to learn different biomechanical techniques. 

July 2021

Dr. Schöneich secured funding from the DFG to investigate the evolution, neuroethology and neuropharmacology of cricket communication. 

May 2021

Anna Wegner join the lab for her Bachelor thesis about cricket song production.

Patrik Hille join the lab for his final thesis. He will develop a protocol for the use of backyard brainsExternal link devises in teaching.